Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chocolate Coconut Clusters

Every once in a while I get this crazy sweet tooth, which is strange because I am normally a "salty tooth". (I often joke thatI would be perfectly content with a salt lick at my house...) This week, however, I have been digging in cabinnets searching for "lost" candy devouring Jolly Ranchers and Mike and Ikes like they are going out of style. After dinner tonight when the sweet tooth kicked in again I decided to find a bit healthier fix and came up with these Chocolate Coconut Clusters. They turned out great and you can have three for less than 7 grams of fat and good dose of antioxidant dark chocolate. (Or perhaps I am just trying to make myself feel better?!) Anyway, here they are...

Here's What You Need: (Makes 7 so double accordingly)

2 organic dark chocolate coconut bars (.88oz each) (I used the organic ones here by Oskri)
1 TBS of organic skim milk
1/2 cup organic cereal (I used Nature's Path Flax Plus Red Berry Crunch)

Here's What You Do:Cut or break the bars into little pieces. Heat them with the milk over medium or medium low, stirring until melted. Stir in the cereal to mix completely. Line a plate with a piece of tin foil or parchment. Make the clusters with a TBS that you pack with the mixture and then press onto the plate. Feel free to use your fingers too! Refrigerate for about 2 hours. (I couldn't wait and ate one after an hour and it was still delicious if a bit gooey!)

Kid Tip:
Really?! None needed. Though 100% organic, this still tastes 100% like a dessert.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, I def have a salty tooth over a sweet tooth. However I can count on a sweet craving almost every night while I read or watch tv. These would be great little treats to have around, for me & the kids!
